
Whole-school curriculum vision

We want the young people who experience our curriculum to enjoy learning, feel confident when negotiating modern society and develop a broad intellectual understanding of the world alongside a deep, working knowledge of subject disciplines in context. When students are making decisions about the future, we want our curriculum to have provided them with the necessary currency and relevant knowledge to make positive, informed, ambitious choices; all doors should be open to them.

We want our curriculum to develop cultural and social capital and inspire in our students an understanding of the importance of kindness and effort. Our curriculum aims to realise in students the belief that they can make a difference and give them the necessary tools to do so.  Our curriculum aims to contribute, in its ethos and outcomes, to the ongoing pursuit of social justice.

The curriculum overview provides an overview of the depth and breadth of the curriculum from Year 7 to Year 11. We utilise a three-year key stage four, however national curriculum subjects are still taught in Year 9 in order to supplement their content and bridge key stage 3 and 4. Please scroll down and click on the Curriculum Overview link for more information.