Behaviour For Learning
Carshalton Boys Sports College aims to provide an educationally inclusive environment within which all students can achieve their full potential, both academically and socially. It is the school's belief that this can only be achieved by ensuring:
- equality of opportunity for all and the promotion of attitudes and relationships which promote understanding, respect and tolerance of others.
- a pride in self and the school, with opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own actions.
- a safe, secure, calm and pleasant general environment within the school.
- a well-ordered learning environment with high expectations of behaviour and work.
- good attendance and punctuality.
- a good working partnership with parents/carers.
The vast majority of students behave very well and are a credit to the school and their families. The main emphasis in the school is on praise and reward.
The Code of Conduct is displayed in each classroom. It forms the main thrust of the school’s ethos, and boys who do not observe this simple code of behaviour both in and around the school community should expect sanctions to be imposed.
The key principles are Achieving Excellence through PRIDE.
Independence & Collaboration
The presentation of these principles are embedded in our structure of Rewards and Achievements. There are clear guidelines for pupils and staff to follow for reporting, rewarding and recognising achievement. This should be prominently displayed in every classroom. Sometimes pupils will fall below the expected standard and sanctions will be used.
To give clear guidance to both staff and pupils the expectations of behaviour and the management of unacceptable behaviour are highlighted in the CBSC Behaviour Strategy which makes clear the consequences associated with undesirable behaviours and formal procedures for imposing sanctions, recording and reporting them. These should be followed by all staff. The classroom teacher is responsible for behaviour and performance of the pupils. Matters can then be referred through the procedures outlined.
Behaviour Policy Information
The school has a clear policy which states:
- It’s expectation of behaviour for students.
- The ways in which the school supports and develops good behaviour.
- The steps parents/carers can take to support their child’s progress in school.
A full copy of the schools Behaviour Policy can be found by clicking here and reading policy S04 - Behaviour Principles Statement.
Specific aspects of the policy have been summarized in the topics listed in the column to the left of this page. To view a topic simply click on the subject title.